President Richard Booker, Esq. (Rich)
1st VP Francis A. O’Donnell, Jr. (Frank)
2nd VP William F. Forbes (Will)
3rd VP Anne L. Peckham
Secretary Tench Forbes
Treasurer Anne L. Peckham
Executive Director Judith K. Francis
Richard Booker, Esq. – Chairman
Francis A. O’Donnell, Jr. – President (1st VP) Liaison with Duke
of Edinburgh Foundation & Philadelphia Outward Bound
David W. Coates, Jr. – Treasurer & Arcadia Liaison
William B. Thompson – St. George & Dragon Statue (Fairmont)
George I. Tyndall, Jr. – Distress Fund & St. James School
William Forbes – Chair (2nd VP)
T. Michael Poxon, Esq.
Trustees Committee
Anne L. Peckham – Chair (3rd VP)
Richard Booker, Esq.
Charles D. Barber
William F. Forbes
Peter R. Hill
Francis A. O’Donnell, Jr.
William B. Thompson
George I. Tyndall, Jr.
George I. Tyndall, Jr. – Chair
Charles R. Myers
Edward Owen
S. Valence Sauri, DDS
James H. Turner, Jr. – Piper
T. Michael Poxon, Esq.
Dragon Newsletter
Judith K Francis – Editor
George I. Tyndall, Jr.
Francis A. O’Donnell, Jr. – Chair
Richard Booker, Esq.
Greg Cantwell
Judith K Francis
Peter R. Hill
William B. Thompson
George I. Tyndall, Jr.
Nomination Committee
Charles D. Barber – Chair
Peter R. Hill
Francis A. O’Donnell, Jr.
S. Valence Sauri, DDS
George I. Tyndall, Jr.
The Rev. Clayton G. Ames, III
The Rev. Frank Allen
The Rev. Andrew Kellner
The Rev. Timothy Steeves
The Rev. Anne Thatcher
Roger A. Brown, Esq.
Susan O’Donnell, Esq.
T. Michael Poxon, Esq.
Benjamin Gerson, M.D.
S. Valence Sauri, D.D.S.
Robert F. Marvin, M.D.
Living Past Presidents
William B. Thompson
W. Stoddard Valentine
George I. Tyndall, Jr.
Peter R. Hill
J. Thomas Showler
Charles R. Myers
James W. Marvin, Jr.
David Ermine, Esq.
Valence Sauri, DDS
Ronald Robinson, Esq.
President Emeritus George I. Tyndall, Jr.
Peter R. Hill
Secretary Emeritus Roger A. Brown, Esq.
Charles D. Barber
Treasurer Emeritus Charles D. Barber
British Relations Oliver St. Clair Franklin, CBE
Commonwealth Liaison Susan Gerrity